My Beloved Children
“It is with the sweetness of my heart that I greet you to share a message that will bless and uplift you into the greater realms of awareness. It will help you to remember a very special gift that was given to you for your glorious journey of life.
In that great moment before your life on Earth, we met together to plan what you desired to experience on your life journey. As we shared the dream, there were many gifts and blessings which you chose to assist you in accomplishing the most fulfilling and oyous experiences.
It was known to you that you would always have a guiding light which would ever so lovingly guide and direct you. This light has guided you to this very moment where we now meet within this sharing of my message of my heart.
In these times of Earth’s great awakening, your guiding light has been calling out to you “Awaken my beloved. It is time to play and be in greater awareness of your sweet truth. t is time to fulfill all the dreams of your heart which we planned together in the beginning of time.”
These sweet messages from this guiding light come from within your heart. Your heart has a radiance, a brilliance of light, so bright and beautiful. The radiance is the light coming from you, My Beloved, your true golden essence of self.
It is a time that you have been waiting for, a time to remember your sacred truth. Your journey up until this time has been glorious. Now you are preparing to step into a greater awareness of your truth and the lightness and joy that is your divine nature.
As you become more conscious of the radiance of your heart, you will notice the messages, the guidance, the wisdom flowing to you in moments of sweetness, filling you with inspirations that light up pathways to create your many desires of heart.
Your heart, knows all truth. Your golden essence knows all authentic truth and in great love can guide you ever more. It is a teacher as well as a guiding light, and yet will always honor your choices, supporting your free will to choose and create your experiences. All experiences have value, however in these great times of change, you may choose to have a different flavor of experiences that expand and elevate you into realms of personal discovery that delight your heart and soul.
here are infinite potentials and possibilities for you to explore, Open your mind to your hearts guiding light and become inspired as to new ways of being and living free of the old stories of limitation that you are moving beyond.
Spend some time each day connecting to your heart.
Here is a simple way to connect:
1. Place your right hand over your heart
2. Take a slow deep breath, in and out
3. Relax into the breath
4. Take another slow breath
5. Center your mind into your heart
6. Feel the peace.
7. Be in the stillness for a few minutes, allowing yourself to just be
You may receive messages as you experience this wonderful sense of calmness. This calmness is serenity, the vibration of the golden essence of you. This sweet vibration of loving essence is the song of the One Heart. We are all connected in the oneness of heart, for we are one family in heart always.
As you spend time in this focus of presence in the radiance of your heart, you will find greater peace in your life and your experiences. New ideas will come to you offering you new opportunities to realize your heart’s desires. Soon you will become accustomed to recognizing and hearing in greater awareness the messages from your radiant heart.
My Beloveds, know that I am speaking to you always through your heart. I know your truth and I sing the song of your sweetness to you. We are never apart. I hold the vision with you of the sweet dreams of your heart.
May you feel the sweet peace and joy that is your very truth. May you know the blessings of your radiant heart and dance through your life experiences in joy. It is time to play,”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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