My Beloved Children,
“It is a delight to greet you in these special moments, to share messages from my heart to yours. Today we shall talk about the Golden Flow, for with a deeper understanding, you will be able to flow with greater ease and grace throughout your life journey, Many of you have heard about the value of being in the moment and make this a life practice. This truly is a great act of wisdom, as being present in the moment allows your consciousness to connect in a very deep way to your divine nature.
Living moment to moment allows your mind to center and balance, releasing attachment to fears of the future and the pains of the past. It is a mastery step of empowerment. One to practice and master as you desire.
Today I will share with you a magnificent pathway of joy, one that you will find of great value in living your day to day experiences. Your life can be a journey of great joy filled with many experiences that expand the consciousness and delight the heart.
Each of you is a flowing expression of love, an embodiment of divine love. It may appear that you are a solid structure and that all around you is set into a form that is perhaps like a stone, appearing solid, stationary and unchangeable. Take a moment to focus on your breath. You breathe in and then you release and breathe out. It is a flowing motion, in and out. Think of your heart beating life, pumping the blood through your veins and arteries, life and nutrients flowing to all parts of your body.
Now imagine for a moment to consider what happens when there is a block or an impingement of energy within your breathing or with the flow of your blood. This could perhaps lead to discomfort as well as issues from these imbalances which might be experienced as troublesome.
Consider if your breathing was flowing in an ideal rhythm of life. What if your blood flow was aligned with an ideal synchronicity with all parts of the body which support this function. When every part is moving in its ideal flow, all working together in silky harmony, there is a beautiful symphony, a masterpiece of a healthy vital living body. Take a moment to ponder your life reality as it is being reflected to you. Now imagine it flowing in the ideal. In this vision, you are living in abundance of all that you desire with plenty of money coming in, all of your relationships loving and honoring. Your life is peaceful filled with many experiences that bring you great joy, wonderment, and pure delight.
You might say, this is just an imagined vision. Is it really possible for me to have the blessings of this vision be my truth, for my life to be all that I desire when I feel stuck in my life reality?
Let me share you an insight that will assist you. Imagine a beautiful mountain stream. The stream is flowing gently around the rocks or boulders, flowing to reach a greater water way. This stream is healthy and vital, flowing with grace. If there are rocks or boulders it gently moves around or over them and continues on.
Now imagine for a moment you are like the water. You are a beautiful golden flowing energy.
When you are in the flow, flowing in grace, aware of the grace, all is flowing smoothly.
If you come upon what appears as an obstacle, a rock or boulder, you gently move around it or float over it. You don’t resist because you are aware of the graceful flow, so you choose to just flow to the destination that you are choosing.
As you shift your perspective to seeing yourself as golden flowing energy, you will feel the power of being able to move about your life reality with greater ease. This empowers you to let go of resistance energy, as well as any need to control. You can begin to release perceptions that perhaps have held you feeling stuck, and allow yourself to move with awareness into the flow.
In the greater picture, life is a dance, a joyful expression of your divine nature. You are that loving golden energy that has no limitations. Imagine living your life, dancing in the flow and expressing yourself in wisdom, beauty and great joy.
As you ponder upon these ideas, you will feel a deepening connection to this truth that your heart has always known. Shifting your perception to these thoughts of being fluid golden energy, living in a world of flowing golden energy, then allows your mind to open to infinite possibilities that are available to you in this very moment.
This may stir within you a desire to know more of how to navigate your life in a direction that you would really like to experience. The wonderful news is that just by opening up to these new thoughts, allows for the process of acceptance of your greater truth.
This is your time to dance in awareness, to be in celebration of the pathways for your ascension into new thoughts, into higher consciousness, now more readily available than ever before. There are many mastery steps and tools that can assist to take you further into becoming a conscious designer of your reality.
Begin with loving yourself, being kind to yourself, recognizing how wonderful and amazing you are. There is only one you in the all and the everything, and though we are one family of lightness in heart always, you have your own special flavor of deliciousness.
There are blessed ones who walk beside you. They are here to help you with the guidance as you desire. Be in your heart, spending time loving yourself and dancing in the streams of joy . When you are in joy, it is much easier for you to connect to your inner guidance as well as your Masters, Angels, and Guides.
I am with you always flowing within the Golden Flow with you, forever loving you, holding the vision of your truth, singing to your heart of your sweetness. You are my children of light , the joy of my heart.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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artwork by Maryam Morrison
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