The Dream Becomes Our Reality

My Beloved Children,

Happiness flows from my heart to yours at this glorious time, as the birthing of new seeds of potentials begin to unfold into the blossoms that will light the days of your many tomorrows.

Indeed it is a time of great celebration, as you are now existing within a new arena, a new playing field which you can create and live your many dreams. The dream has become a reality which has been fueled since the beginning of time.

Now is the time for you to release from the old stories which you have experienced that have perhaps limited you in any way. It is time to dream big and release anything that would block you from living the dreams of your heart in joy and wonder.

The New Earth energies will support you in this in every way. Take time to ponder on these words and bring yourself into your heart where you can more easily connect to the truth of what I am sharing with you.

As you ponder on these words, your heart will assist your mind to open up to new ideas, new ways and means to live your life beyond perhaps what you thought possible. You will begin to feel a greater sense of peace as you gently realize more of the truth of yourself and your sacred purpose.

Imagine what joy this will bring to you my sweet ones, as you entertain thoughts which will lighten your heart and bring you a sense of self that can only be described as wondrous. Indeed, this is a time of great wonder as you are living your part of the great shift upon our blessed Gaia.

Take some time to dream big. As you dream, allow yourself to see beyond the constraints of past experiences. Begin to focus ever more on the now moment. As you practice being present, your awareness of the blessings of the now moment will unfold to you. Mastering this way of centering your mind into the stillness of the now moment is the way to bring greater peace into your life experience.

While you are centered in the present moment, dream your dreams of future experiences and expressions that will delight your heart. Then take action to fulfill those dreams. It begins with the vision, the thoughts to fuel it and then taking inspired action to create those realities.

Know that everything is fluid and in process of change and greater change. It is your divine nature to evolve and develop greater and greater awareness of your true self and all that is possible. It is in this process of developing your mastery which allows you to begin to explore more of all that you are possible of creating to experience and enjoy.

Life is a gift and a blessing, an opportunity to experience and express as your individuated self. You are unique and yet you are always connected to the oneness. In knowing this truth, you will begin to feel even a greater sense of yourself and your divine nature. The vision of yourself will begin to expand and become so delightful that you will be living in a state of wonderment and joy.

As you continue on your life’s journey, I recommend choosing pathways of honor and grace. Be kind and loving to yourself in all ways. Let go of the old stories of the past, the old experiences of less ness and limitations or judging yourself as less than perfect. Bless the old stories, as they have offered opportunities to live, grow and experience. Now in your choosing, you are ready to move beyond them to experience in new and greater ways. It is a new phase of your grand adventure which you have been preparing for, dreaming of and now are ready.

There are many great ones here to assist you through these times of great transformation. Call upon your angels, masters and guides. They love you and are ready to assist you, as you choose.

There are also many great tools available for you to choose from which can assist you in letting go of any and all limiting thoughts and beliefs that would seem to thwart you from realizing easily your desires of heart. There are tools that can open up your consciousness and assist you in becoming aware of your innate gifts and abilities, rediscovering your divine birthright which is available to each and every one. With intention you may ask to be guided to these tools.

The world is shifting within this new playing field to reflect A New World, a world which offers all of the abundance of blessings, allowing each to live their dreams in peace, joy and freedom. It is for each to choose. What would you like your reality to be? Do you want to ride the waves of light into greater illumination and awareness of spirit?

When you make lighter choices, you will experience sweet peace and greater elevation for yourself. As you release from the old stories and embrace greater light, you also assist the collective of earth to rise up to recognize more truth, elevating all of humanity into realms of greater understanding and wisdom.

This is the time we have dreamed and prepared for together My Beloveds. Now it is much easier for you to become all that you desire. You can create all the dreams of your heart and allow the lightness of your sweet self to guide you into the planes of luminescence where you will further develop your consciousness and master abilities.

Call upon me to assist you as you desire. I hold the greater vision of you within my heart always. You are my Beloved Children of Heart. You are bringers of joy. May your life be filled with great wonder and joy.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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