The Circle of Heart

My Beloved Children,

“Welcome to our circle of heart within this beautiful moment in time. As you enter into this circle, be aware of the sweetness that surrounds and blesses you, encompassing you within the most glorious light energy.

Within this moment, there is a sharing of the sweetness of our heart song, creating a symphony of love. We are filling our hearts with the pleasures of joy, dancing in unity in the sparkling of many lights.

Yes, as we enter into this circle, you know within your heart of your sacred placement within this circle. It is a sacred space that only you hold.

As you hear my words, take a moment to ponder on this, for the truth of it will be known to you on many levels. Imagine the wonder of you, holding such a sacred space, a positon of great honor. There is no one else that can take your place.

Ponder on these words and imagine a great mosaic comprised of many pieces. Each piece has a color and shape that adds to the grand picture. This beautiful mosaic reflects the whole vision of a destination of great accomplishment and presence.

Each individual piece is beautiful and complete as it is, and yet becomes even more within the wholeness of the bigger picture, thus adding to the wholeness This creates a beauty which flows out to create the bigger picture as well as the bigger picture flowing into the individual pieces, bringing great pleasure and beauty to the each piece as well as the whole masterpiece. It is a work of great synergy, each part blessing the whole and the whole blessing each part.

This great masterpiece is the journey of lives, which all beings share together. The destination is the culmination of all the pieces, beautifully added together to create a work of great wonder.

Imagine for a moment how important you are to this masterpiece. It is a work of such love, of great joy and great heart. Each of you, as well as the whole masterpiece is now progressing, evolving, becoming more on the way to reaching its glory.

Yes, you are progressing on your glorious journey of life, reaching deeper into greater awareness of what it is that fills your heart with joy. As you become more aware of your splendor, you will begin to discover more of your specialness, your individual gifts, and abilities. With more awareness, comes a desire to discover more about yourself, your true nature, leading you on a grand journey of self-discovery and exploration.

As you continue to master your greater awareness, more will open up to you in your readiness. This will continue, allowing you to fulfill and experience all your many heart’s desires.
Each one is developing and exploring in their own timing and readiness, and yet each is always a part of the bigger masterpiece which is continuously becoming ever more beautiful and wondrous.

There is always a connection with all beings, as all are a part of the great circle of heart. As you develop greater awareness of your true nature and experience the desires of your heart, you bless and uplift each being within the circle of heart, for we are always one family of heart.

Be assured My Beloveds, that you are destined to fully remember your sweet truth and divine nature. You are even now being guided to reach this destiny of recognition. As you live each day of wonder, create your journey knowing that each step takes you closer to the fullness of remembering your sacred truth and purpose. With a brighter awareness comes a desire to have a greater understanding as well as to experience more wonder. There truly is no limit to the possibilities that lay before you.

Be patient and kind to yourself as you move through your days, focusing on being in the present moment. Open your minds and hearts to allow yourself to hear and feel the sweet guidance that is shining upon you continuously.

Choose to be in your heart, experiencing what brings you joy. Joyfulness will uplift you and assist you in reaching into the higher realms of greater understanding and awareness.

As you stand in the circle of heart with me now, feel our connection and hear the message from my heart. Our hearts are always connected. My love for you is in a continuous flow of celebration. It is forever. You are known to my heart always, a sweet song of great joy.

One day soon, you shall look upon yourself through the eyes of understanding and know yourself. In that moment, your heart will sing with such joy as you take your place in the grand masterpiece and shine your sweetness out in all directions, singing joyfully the wonder of you and your family of heart.

Yes we are one family in heart, now and forever, sharing in greatness of spirit and truth, the grand masterpiece we create together.
Soon you shall hear and know this sweet truth as it carries you on wings of light into the realms of greater lightness and forever joy.

Listen now to the sweet song as I offer it to you. Feel it now as it flows to you through this sacred mantra, Chanulanaha. My Beloved Children, remember, remember. Remember the joy and the sweetness which is your truth, for you are the lights of my heart, you are love. It is time to remember.

Enjoy your life; revel in the wonder of you, and bask in your sweetness, for truly you are so loved.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother
(“Message from the Goddess Mother”)

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artwork by Maryam Morrison
pdf by Eden Magazine