My Beloved Children,
“I am in great celebration today, for you have opened your minds to allow your hearts to receive the greater light. Yes my cherished ones, we have planned for this time together and now we celebrate. Let us dance together, our sweet hearts dancing in joy as one.
Take a moment to look around you. What do you see? What do you sense and feel? Can you see the greater lightness around you? Notice that the song of the birds seem sweeter, how the flowers are blooming in a greater brightness of color, their fragrances delighting the senses ever more.
Yes, your awareness of the sweetness of life is growing. As your awareness expands and elevates, notice your heart. Can you feel the beating of your heart? Does it not seem lighter? It is as if you have taken a fresh breath of air, taking it in, in greater ease.
As you focus on the greater lightness of your life, you can also feel within your body, a lightness. It is as if someone has lifted a heavy pack off your back, a pack you no longer need to carry.
The many gifts that are being offered to you now are filled with ever more sweetness. You may choose these as you desire and taste the wonder of each as it unfolds offering you an even greater awareness of the sweetness of life and living.
Recognizing the sweetness of life is as if someone opened up the curtains and let the sunshine in to fill the room with its golden radiance. As you stand in that sweet radiance, you become more aware of the greater truth of yourself, the wonder of you. Feel how your heart leaps into joyful bliss at this wonder. You are the sparkly light of truth that shines ever so brightly onto this glorious world.
As you come into greater awareness of your light, you feel as if you are free to accept the greater vison which is now available for you to embrace more fully. The vision is becoming clearer to you, unfolding as if a great map is being laid out before you.
This great map is of course your destiny, a plan which has been prepared since the beginning. It is the vision of your dream of your heart, now becoming more visible to your awareness, lighting up the pathways that your heart desires.
Imagine this map lying before you. The pathways are like golden bridges of light shining in all directions. They represent the many choices you have before you which can lead you to the wonder that you so desire.
What is that wonder you might ask? The wonder is the great truth of yourself, that sweet essence that shines ever so brightly. What is my truth and as I discover more of my truth, what is possible for me to dream, to live and experience?
These are wonderful thoughts for you to ponder upon. As you ponder you will receive inspiration leading you make the connection with these golden bridges of light. Each serves a sacred purpose, each has within it opportunities that will enliven and enhance your life experiences and lead you to your sacred destiny.
Imagine what treasures lie before you to discover. Imagine what the ultimate treasure might be for you. I can feel your hearts singing as you hear my words. Yes, there is great delight in store for you.
Take some time for you, allowing yourself to dream and play in the fields of imagination. Let your mind open to hear the sweet messages from your heart. Your heart knows the way to the treasure. Your heart knows the golden bridges of light it desires to choose.
To live in your heart is a golden key to unlocking all the dreams that you desire to experience. Listen to the sweet messages of your heart, as they will uplift and encourage you, leading you to great joy.
As you make the connection to a golden bridge of light and step upon it, you will find that each step will lead you to the next step. When you are in the process of crossing a bridge you will develop a greater understanding and awareness of the truth of your divine nature. As you are ready, other bridges will begin to light up for you in your greater awareness. Your heart will always be guiding you each step of the way.
You will find great joy with each new awareness as each is a treasure unto itself. The journey of your life is like an adventure in discovery, a grand treasure hunt and you are the treasure.
What will your treasure look like? What will you do with your treasure?
The map will guide you, your heart will guide and inspire you, but you will choose your steps and what you will do with your knowledge and wisdom that you gain. It is the grandest of adventures is it not!
My Beloveds, the golden bridges of light are here to light the way for you to fully remember your sweet truth, and lead you into the most glorious experiences. It is but for you to desire and to choose. To remember your spark of light, to develop your personal mastery, to experience life to the fullest potentials, is the dream of your heart.
May you open to the sweetness of your truth and follow your heart onto the golden bridges of light which are now here, waiting for your choosing. Fill your life with choices which bring you joy. Dance your way onto the bridges that will lead you to the forever more joy and lightness that is your divine birthright.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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