A Time to Remember

My Beloved Children,

“It is with great joy that I greet you this day as we will embark upon a memory held in the deepest part of your heart. It is a time of celebration and joy, for it is the time you have been waiting for.

This is a great moment for you my beloveds, as it is a time to remember truth, the truth of you, the truth of your purpose, the truth of your life which you have chosen to experience and fulfill.

In the journey of lives, each of you wrote in your Book of Life to prepare for the time that you would enter into your embodiment. As you pondered your desires, you chose many things, making many plans with Creator, so that you would experience all that your heart desired.

The possibilities were endless and yet in that state of knowing you knew what you desired. So much was planned and much was left open to choose along the way, adding to your journey as you progressed through it.

Let us take a moment to ponder on these ideas, for your heart knows the truth of this. In fact I can feel the joy rising up in recognition of the lightness these words bring to your heart.

A Captain of a ship plans his voyage, providing for all the necessities that will be required, a compass for direction and maps to the chosen destination. You are no different being a Great Master and planning for your life journey. You choose special gifts and blessings to assist you along the path as well as jewels along the way to assist you in remembering yourself and where you were going on this great adventure.

And so within your Book of Life, in the beginning pages, before you were born, you did that very thing. You made choices and plans, and waited with great excitement for the sacred day when you would be born into your life.

That day came and here you are now, in this great time, which you chose for your incarnation.

This is a time for you to remember your truth, your sweetness and ever expanding beautiful loving essence. It is a time that you will look upon as a pinnacle in your life journey with many golden sparkles on the pages of your Book of Life.

As you read these words in this article I am sending you a message from my heart to yours to assist you in remembering these truths. Be in peace and know that you are so loved and adored.

You will remember for you are already in the process of this. Humanity is remembering and in that glorious truth elevates to reach the next stages of potentials and possibilities of new experiences filled with such lightness that your heart will be so delighted.

As you elevate and remember more truth, you assist all of humanity, for we are one family in heart always connected. Does it bring joy to your heart to know that you are not alone in this adventure, that you share the same Heavenly Parents, who love and support you, that you have many masters, guides and angels assisting you and that all of your brothers and sisters of humanity are on this same quest for the sacred truth?

Yes, you are not alone and yes you will succeed, for it is within the plan. It is only a matter of choice and of timing. Each one is progressing at their own pace and choosing and yes some have had some challenges and yet will rise to meet their truth.

With your intention grows your awareness of truth. Take steps into lightness by making choices that love and bring joy to you and those around you. This will elevate and connect you even more to your heart which is guiding you always. You are moving into a new way of being, into a lighter expression of self. The whole of Earth is elevating to create a new arena, a new playing field for you to live and express within.

As you elevate you bless yourself, you bless humanity and all of Earth. This is the journey of remembering the oneness and unity of loving spirit, the divine nature of you and all of creation.

You might ask how can I remember? Spend some time each day pondering on these words of truth I have shared with you. Ask your heart to help you find the pathways that will lead you to answers you are seeking. It can be simple as that. As you allow your minds to open, you will be guided as to what is the next step. Be clear and direct in your requests.

There are many blessed ones standing beside you to assist you. Ask for their assistance for they desire to help you. Allow yourself to receive the love that is flowing to you, for in choosing this golden flow of love, you begin to remember your greatness.

In your great Book of life there are more pages to fill. What will you fill them with? I recommend with what brings your heart joy, for when you choose what your heart desires, there is such peace and fulfillment.

You are the author of your Book of Life, creating a masterpiece. You are the great Master. What you create and experience adds to your own special flavor, which you bring to the wholeness of all that is.

I am always holding you in my heart, cheering you on, loving you and holding the vision of your truth. I am in gratitude for the sweetness of your flavor, which delights my heart throughout the forever more.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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