A New Chapter Begins

My Beloved Children

“It is with great joy that we greet each other this day. Today begins a new page in the chapters of your most glorious journey of heart.

Take a few moments to ponder upon your life as it has unfolded up to this moment. You have experienced many different moments; some of great joy and happiness while some perhaps were painful and upsetting for many reasons.

Let us celebrate all that you have experienced thus far, for it has flavored you with who you are today. Let us be in gratitude for the blessing of life itself with its many ups and downs, for life is the grand adventure.

Now after you have reflected on the past, let us begin a new chapter free of any thoughts of experiences of less than you might have chosen or desired. Let us make a new plan for a new chapter with our focus on the desires of your of heart.

Take a few moments to ponder on what you would really love to experience in your life. What would bring you great joy? What have you always dreamed of experiencing and enjoying in your life? As you ponder on this topic, let us set aside all the reasons your mind may bring up on why you cannot have these dreams. This is a time to dream freely without thoughts of what has been or even what you think is impossible.

Let us ask the Angels that are working with you to hold you in such a loving space that you will feel greater freedom to dream. As you are dreaming, make a list of what you would like to see happen in this New Year.

This year is filled with promise and potentials for dreams to be realized more than ever. The sweet energy of Earth supports you in manifesting your hearts desires in greater ease and grace than has been available before.

Let me share with you how you can reach these dreams more easily. First, you must have an idea of what you would like to have happen. In order to manifest your dream you will need a clear vision of it so that you can focus your thoughts on creating it.

After you have a vision, it is important to clear blocks that might potentially block you from realizing that dream. There are many tools that are available to help you with this. If you open your mind and heart asking to be guided to what tools can assist you, the pathways will be made known to you.

Next it is important to let go of the old story, the old chapters of your life, celebrate them and release attachment to them. You are in a new day every day. Each day the energy is different, each moment the energy is different. Life is a flowing journey. The key is to see each day as new, live in the moment, and be open to the flow of what is now available to you.

As you let go of the past, bless it, celebrate it and celebrate YOU. You are amazing and have come this far in your sacred journey. Now you can begin a new chapter, with conscious choices that support you, your mastery and the life of your dreams.

It is as simple as that, yet it takes focus and action. This is part of your personal journey of remembering who you truly are, and developing your mastery. It is a journey of recognizing your divine truth. Within this grand adventure, there are limitless potentials for you to elevate, to expand, and to experience what will lead you to become the great master that you are.

Today and every day I celebrate you My Beloveds for you have been on such an amazing journey. Here you are now, at a place that you have co-created with your brothers and sisters. You are ready for the next Chapters in your book of life. Your heart has been calling out for these times and now you have arrived.

You have the choice to make this day, each day, and this year be the best in your life. You have been climbing a mountain. Now you are nearing the top where the view is clearer and your understanding is blossoming.

Let go of the old stories, the old ways of being and thinking. Take the next steps on your journey in awareness, fostering your personal empowerment and mastery. Love yourself, love your life love all that is and be in joy.

Choosing to create and live what brings your heart joy is the way of further expansion and the pathway of great wisdom. You have the ability to do all that you desire for you are my children. Each of you is endowed with the innate abilities and gifts to make your journey all that you desire it to be.

Together we are creating a New World where all is possible. It is time for play. It is a time to be lighthearted. It is a time to bask in the joy of the loving nature that you are.

Each of you has a divine purpose and plan which you have within your heart. Open up to this truth and allow yourself to be guided by your knowing self. There are ways and means to develop these skills which you will be guided to as you desire and choose .
The joy of remembering is so sweet. Begin your new chapter with a song in your heart. Let your heart guide you, let go of the past of limiting thoughts and dream, dream, dream.

Focus on your visions. Make a plan and take the action steps that will lead you to your dream.

This is the time you have dreamed into being. Open your heart and allow the blessings to flow.

You are ready my sweet ones. I hold your dreams in my heart with you. I cheer you on, holding the vision of your grandness always for I know your truth. You are My Beloved children, filled with wonder and great promise.

May you find your dreams and begin your new chapter in hope, joy and a sense of inner peace in knowing you are on your path.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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artwork by Howard Schatz
pdf by Eden Magazine