My Beloved Children,
“It is a delight to greet you in this moment with a Message from My Heart. Today there is an opportunity for you to take some new steps on the pathway to remembering your truth.
A flower blossoms and the world feels the sweetness as its beauty unfolds. The sweetness of its beauty, its fragrance and its song, sends a message into the hearts of all, a gentle reminder of the sweetness of the divine.
As you look into a newly born infant’s eyes, you feel a gentle presence of love, a stirring of your heart into a joyful reunion of spirit. Perhaps you have beloved pets you adore. Do you notice how they look at you with such love?
Within the story of your life, you have many experiences. Some are filled with such wonder that you are very aware there is something amazing occurring and yet you may feel that you don’t fully understand what it is all about.
In truth, your heart knows the fullness. It is through the language of the heart that you begin to feel a deeper connection to the world in which you live in, as well as to the source of your true self.
Imagine for a moment that the beauty on this most glorious world is here to please you, to gladden your heart, providing infinite potentials to dance in joy. That with the scent of a flower, there is a gentle reminder of a sweetness that feels so delicious to your heart.
What is the purpose of these gentle reminders you might ask? The beauty in the world is here to please the eye and gladden the heart, indeed and yet there is much more. It is an expression of great love. It is a reflection to you of the great love that you are. It is a reflection of the great love that flows to you perpetually, as I lovingly express my heart to you, My Beloveds.
If you would like to have a greater understanding and awareness of your divine nature, your authentic self, take a moment to reflect on the beauty that surrounds you for there is beauty everywhere. Allow your eyes to gently touch upon the flowers, the trees, the blue sky, the sunshine dancing upon your world and notice how your heart feels. Listen to the beautiful sounds of the birds, or the crickets. Notice how their songs seemingly flow from them as if serving a sacred purpose.
I would like to share with you in this moment, that there is purpose within all of life. There is expression of joy; there is an expression of the fundamental principles of truth. Love abounds. Love flourishes and expresses. Love is a part of all of creation, for the source of all is Love.
Just as you might see similarities in your appearance and character with your earthly parents, there is a heritage that you carry within you from your Heavenly Parents.
Your divine nature is a part of who you are. Your natural state of being is joyful, loving, and happy, with an ever expanding heart. You divine heritage is filled with unlimited potential for living your dreams.
Imagine now that you can recognize more of your divine nature as well as your innate gifts and abilities. This is a joyful discovery, one that has been desired.
Let me share with you some simple steps. Take time each day to notice the beauty in your life. Notice the birds singing, the sun shining, flowers blooming. Notice the delicious foods you eat and the sweetness of the air you breathe. This truly is a wonderful world!
Each time you look upon something in your life and see its beauty, you open your heart to experience joy. The more you are in joy, the more beauty you see and experience in your life.
You are like a beautiful flower that is preparing to blossom fully into all of your glory. As you drink in the lightness of joy, you petals unfold in expressions that delight the heart.
As you live more in your heart, in the vibrations of joy, you will attract more joy into your life. This one step alone will bring you to heights perhaps you have not even dreamed possible for it will begin an unfolding into remembering more and more of your truth and sacred purpose.
This is an exciting time My Beloveds for it is your time to discover your divine nature, to remember your glorious truth. It is is your time to blossom into the wonder that is you.
Just as a flower opens up to receive the light of the sun, your heart will open to receive the lightness of joy as you desire. It is only for you to choose and allow it to be.
It is your time to experience and express more freely than ever before. The new Earth energies support greater elevation and awareness to more easily join in this dance of joy. It is available for all to choose as they desire.
You have many to help you. Open your heart to receive and allow this loving assistance. Perhaps you feel the brush of a feather upon your cheek from time to time or a whisper guiding you to a pathway which leads you to a greater experience.
As you open up your awareness to your world, you will begin to notice more and more wonder. The synchronicity which unfolds before you is no accident. It is an orchestration of the heart, bringing together the many notes that are both timely and desired.
With each choice to feel joy, to experience in joy, your heart sings in joy. The song of your joyful heart is heard and felt throughout the world; just as the sweetness of the flower blossoming is felt and known.
Imagine how your song affects the world. It brings joy to the hearts and minds of many. Imagine how many hearts in joy affect the world. Great joy is felt and known.
This is the pathway to remembering your divine nature, this is the pathway for all to remember and know their truth. This is the pathway to a world of peace where joy is the flavor for all.
You are the flower that blossoms My Beloveds, your beauty is felt and known in the hearts of all. You are My Children of light shining brightly. You are the joy of my heart.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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