My Beloved Children,
“It is with great joy that I present this message from my heart to your heart this day. You stand at the precipice of great change and wonderment. Your awareness is elevating as is your acceptance of the light that shines ever so brightly upon you. In this truth, there is great rejoicing in the realms of lightness, celebrating your readiness to advance further into the light.
As you are aware, some of these transformative times have been met with challenges. I wish to share with you today that you are moving through these and finding your footing within the new energies of your Beloved Gaia.
Some of you may believe or perceive that there is an ending coming upon you and this breeds a sense of uncertainty. Let me assure you, there is no end in the sense that you might believe, but a new beginning, opening up endless possibilities and potentials for you to expand, experience, express and grow within.
You higher authentic self is very aware of this truth and has been guiding you throughout your life on your pathway into the greater awareness of the truth of you and of all. Know that you are hearing the message and each of you choosing in your own readiness. There shall be none lost my Beloveds, for we are one family of light, and all shall find their way in their own timing of choice into the realms of forever lightness. Today I wish to speak of your magnificence. You are in the process of remembering your truth.
I have shared the Sacred Mantra, “Chanulanaha” in the language of love with many of you to assist you in remembering your truth. Now, I wish to share with you that as you continue to use this sacred Mantra of Love, you will begin to feel your heart open further, moving with ease into greater receptivity of the lightness and truth of self. I offer this gift during these times of transformation, to assist you in releasing attachment to what is not your truth and move more freely and fully into the realms of acceptance of the lightness and magnificence that is your only truth.
You have been part of this glorious plan of life on Earth on a dual plane. This has been a grand adventure which you chose to participate in, knowing you would forget yourself for a time. You also knew that the time would come where the pathways to remembering yourself would be more readily available to you. These times are here now.
With great excitement I wish to share with you that even now you are preparing to move further and further into the planes of non- dual dimensional realms that no longer hold the energies of polarity.
This new reality which you are preparing and choosing to live within opens endless possibilities to remember yourself as well as all authentic truth. You will have the ability to be free from conflict and resistance energy. As you gain in knowledge and understanding, there will be no limits to what you can experience and express. You will be able to live your dreams and easily manifest all your heart’s desires. This new reality offers new ways and means for adventures of infinite possibilities and potentials for you to explore and experience.
You will begin to feel a greater connection to your heart wherein dwells the sacred one which guides you ever so lovingly. This connection will grow and you will begin to be guided by your heart in all your choices. This relationship will continue to blossom and expand until that glorious day when you will fully remember your divine self.
Earth and all her children are approaching days of great opportunities of promise. Open your minds and turn to your hearts for guidance during these times. Be in the flow of the lightness and allow yourself to drink it in, knowing that it is leading you on the pathway you chose so long ago.
Know that you are supported on every step of your journey with angels, masters, guides and the forever lightness of your sacred self. Enjoy this time and celebrate the amazement that presents itself to you wholeheartedly. You are the amazement, for you have journeyed into what is not truth to rediscover what your truth truly is.
As you open your heart and follow your inner guidance, you will discover pathways of grace and the ways and means to achieve your dreams of heart. There are many pathways, many tools and many who are eager to assist you during these times of transformation. Listen to your heart, choose and know that you are lovingly supported always.
The glory that awaits each of you is of such joy and so delicious. Discovering your truth, remembering the magnificence of yourself is the greatest of joy. Living in that joy, is the passion that your heart draws you to fulfill.
With open arms I am here for you. Call upon me to assist as you will. My heart is always open and I am forever connected to your heart. Be in joy and experience your embodiment within the true essence of your holy self.
I love you dearly, and desire for you to feel the joy and the love that is within My Heart for you always. You were created in great joy and great love. You are love, my children.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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