Living in the Heart

This morning as most mornings, I awoke to the sweetness of the birds singing their songs of joy.It is a wonderful way to greet the day, with a song in your heart, an expression of joy for another day of life and living.
This morning was a little unique though in that I was carried away on their sweet notes into a journey of pure wonderment of what is unfolding in every moment.
Imagination is such a gift, to be able to see beyond perhaps what is perceived as reality and to float in a sea of infinite possibilities. Imagination opens up the doorways to the dreams of the heart becoming realized, for as we allow ourselves to open to these possiblities, golden pathways present to take us on these journeys of choice.
Now more than ever before our life can be filled with greater joy, more fulfillment and an abundance of all of our hearts desires. The elevating presence of our Beloved Gaia, as well as the elevating consciousness of humanity is opening up the possibility for greater awareness of the truth of self and our divine nature. This allows us to move into greater conscious creating the desire of our hearts.
To be in our hearts, in joy, creating our dreams well, this is a dream come true for us all and we are moving into this now as we choose and are ready.
This is a new way of living for most of us as we have been conditioned to be in mind mostly concerned about past and future. Many are now moving into being in the Now thanks to many wonderful teachers that have shared this truth of the power and joy of being in the present moment.
You might ask, what is the next step, from being present in the now? It is the connection to the heart within, to move into Heart Consciousness, where we are guided by the heart, living and expressing in grace and joyfulness. This is the way of the New Earth energies, frequencies. harmonics which are available for us now and ever expanding even into more.
Within the sacred heart, there is stillness, there is unconditional love and acceptance, and there is access to all truth and knowledge. Each of us has been given this gift and it is easily accessible upon choice.
It is like a muscle and with practice, you can strengthen it to use as you will, and eventually be living within that state of being, state of consciousness perpetually, living in heart consciousness. Today I will show you a simple way to access your sacred heart.

Entering the Sacred Heart Find yourself in a place of quiet.
Take several deep slow breaths to relax yourself. Close your eyes and intentionally see and feel yourself gently moving into your sacred heart. You can place your hand on your heart if this assists you. All you have to do is imagine this and it is so. Take a moment and just feel what you are feeling. Notice the peacefulness. Some of you may see yourself in a beautiful room.
Just be with this for a moment. Feel it. Feel the quiet and the peace. Now imagine your heart opening up further and allow yourself to feel deeper. You will begin to feel the love that radiates from this sacred place. Say the words, “I am home, I am in my sacred Heart and I choose to feel the love”. You will begin to feel the love flowing to you. Feel the flow and be in the attitude of accepting and receiving love, knowing that this is your divine right to feel love and know love.
With your intention of choosing this, it will flow to you. Be with this for a space of time, just allowing yourself to feel the love. This love is the love of the Creator, of Source, your Sacred Parents flowing to you unconditionally. You were created in great love. You are loved. You are love. This is your divine nature and your divine truth. You are children of The Goddess, Heavenly Mother and the God, Heavenly Father. Feel the love flowing. Feel the joy of knowing this love. Know that you are so loved.
Whatever it is that you desire you may ask. Say or think the words and choose to know the answer. You will be presented with the truth. With practice you will build your confidence. With your intention you will remember. At first, you may choose simple questions with yes and no answers. You will be able to feel what the truth is. With practice you will be able to receive more involved answers. You have access to all divine truth. Always ask knowing that you will receive. Be patient as you develop this skill. Set the intention to be in clarity and at peace. In the stillness, you will be able to access the truth. The stillness is the vibration of divine love, the vibration of the Creator. It is your vibration as well for you are children of the Creator.
This gift will grow with you. With your desire, you will be able to expand your consciousness to the higher realms of light and love. It will bring you peace and contentment. You will remember your connection to the oneness, the wholeness of the Creator. This is home.

Living in the heart is joyful, allowing yourself to be guided on pathways of grace. Imagine this to be your new way of being. Imagine this to be the way of the New World.
It is with great joy that I share this information with you today. It is a time of remembering. It is time for you to remember and claim your sacred truth. You bring joy to all that is. Choose to remember and you will. The gift of the Sacred Heart will assist you in feeling loved, in feeling home. Choose to accept and use this gift and your heart will feel light and happy knowing the truth, that you are love.
Many blessings of radiant joy, Chanulanaha

Click on the photo below for the full Eden Magazine spread:

artwork by Maryam Morrison
pdf by Eden Magazine