The story reunites a son with his Father who has passed years before and yet enters as a young man. There is a part near the end of the story where the Father asks his Son, “is this Heaven?” His Son answers, “This is Iowa, is there a Heaven?” His Father replies, “oh yes, Heaven is the place that dreams come true.” The Son looks around, takes note of his life, his family, all of his blessings and joy, and replies,” than maybe this is Heaven.”
“Heaven is the place that dreams come true”. Have you ever thought about our blessed Mother Earth being the place that our dreams can and do come true? Today I will suggest perhaps a new way to look at our home here on Earth and what opportunities are now available with many more to come. I desire to offer a new perspective, a way to a New Beginning.
I am forever in gratitude for Gaia, our sweet mother earth, our sacred home. She truly is in every sense of the word a mother to us. She provides us with all that sustains us. Our bodies are made up of her many elements. She provides us air to breath, water to drink and many choices of delicious foods to eat.
She is not only mother to humanity but to many other species as well, trees, plants, animals, birds, fish, insects, all living sentience making up all of us living here in her many realms. She provides us with beautiful landscapes to gaze upon and drink in the wonder. There is such a variety of beautiful places where we can choose to live or visit, allowing us to enjoy endless possibilities to experience and express within.I feel so blessed to be living here on Earth at this amazing time of great change. Gaia is in process of ascension, elevating, evolving and rising up to become more. This is to be celebrated as this opens up opportunities not only for her, but for all of us to experience life in whole new expansive ways.
We are experiencing these many shifts and adjustments along with Gaia, for we also are in the process of evolving, each within our own pace of choosing. The key for us to ride these waves of change in ease and grace is to be in harmony. Within harmony is greater clarity, making it easier to become aware of new ways to experience and express life, perhaps in ways we have never thought or even considered before.
You see, Gaia is more than just a place to reside as she offers us limitless potentials to live and express our lives, like a beautiful canvas that we can write upon creating the dreams of our hearts to live within. So how can we write upon this canvas to bring these beautiful dreams into our reality?
To begin, ponder about what that means to you.. What would your ideal dream life look like? Perhaps it would mean having an abundance of money, excellent health, time and freedom to explore what it is you love to do and experience. If you wonder, how is it possible, to have a new beginning when my life seems so different than my dreams, how can I reach those delicious planes of harmony? I would like to share a simple philosophy; everything is energy, frequency and vibration and can be shifted into greater harmony, reaching greater clarity, opening up the mind to greater awareness and acceptance.
We are like energy machines, with our thoughts, words and actions; we influence our realities and our experiences with our perceptions. This is even more noticeable in these new earth energies. You might have noticed that things seem to be happening in your life faster than before. There are many great ways to shift energy and perceptions, many tools for personal empowerment. I will share some simple ones you can begin to use today!
Imagine our old ways of thinking, being, living as a beautiful coat with many colors.
It has kept us comfortable and provided many experiences and adventures. Now the weather has shifted and it is warmer. We can set aside this coat, and put it away, like turning a page in a book to begin a new chapter. We can step into the sunshine more fully, feeling very comfortable in this lovely new energy. We can accept a new beginning in joy.
Let us work with the vibration of Joy. Joy expands and elevates, attracting even more joy so why not create our dreams in joy! Sweet Gaia provides us with will all the necessary ingredients to create the dream recipes of your life. You decide what you desire, and you can create the recipes that will bring about your dreams.
1. Spend time in joy, whatever brings you to that beautiful blissful state. It may it be meditation, walks in nature, spending time with a loved one, or gazing into the eyes of your beloved pet. I am sure you already have many ideas of what makes your heart sing.
2. Within joy, get a clear vision of your dreams, what does it look like, feel like? Utilize whatever tools you have to release energy of resistance.
3. Be in joy and dream your dream, put yourself in the dream. Joy will take your heart to many places of delight.
4. Water your dreams with your thoughts, words and actions. Affirm the truth of the wonder of your dream. See it as a garden of beautiful flowers. You may have
some weeds in the garden, lovingly pull them out, setting them aside and water the flowers. Your energy flows to where your attention is, so water the flowers.
5. Use Chanulanaha, the sacred mantra in the Language of love, which vibrates joy and love. Speak or think it when you are pondering your dreams. (Read “Language of Love, Ancient keys of Promise that can unlock your potential”, Eden Magazine June 2013)
These truly are exciting times, filled with the promise of boundless opportunities to live and express the dreams of our hearts. This is our time to create our Heaven on Earth, within Our Field of Dreams. May you be in joy as you create your new beginning and may we together create the New World, living within the reality of joy, peace and abundance for one and for all.
pdf by Eden Magazine