My Beloved children,
“It is with great joy that I greet you this day, as I wish to share with you a special message from my very heart to your heart. As we discussed last month, you are in the midst of great change on your sweet planet. These changes you have chosen, prayed for, planned for and have been preparing for. It is a time of great celebration as you climb the stairway of freedom, to be, to do and live as you desire.
It is also a time to embrace the light as it shines ever so brightly, reflecting more of the divine truth of you and of all that is. To ride the waves of the many changes, by flowing with it, embracing the light, allowing it to open your heart to come into greater awareness of the truth, and releasing the ropes of resistance, makes it possible for your ride to be enjoyed and to be experienced in greater harmony.
Imagine if you will, the heavens opening up with messages that speak to your very heart. Your heart knows the divine truth of you and of the plans that are in place. Trust your heart and allow yourself to feel the loving guidance that is offered to you.
Your heart knows the grace and the joy of your divine nature. It also knows of your great desire to remember the truth of yourself. Your heart has been actively lighting pathways leading you to greater awareness, to be able to recognize the sweetness that is your authentic self.
You might ask, how may we feel peace dear Mother, how may we embrace the light, when we have struggles in our lives and at times it seems so hopeless for us? How may we know the truth and not be afraid of what seems like the unknown?
My answer to you dear ones is to center yourself in your heart. As you become accustomed to feeling this connection, you will feel drawn to further discoveries of what you heart has to offer you in the ways of guidance and instruction.
This is a gift, a tool, a blessing that is available for each of you. It has been perhaps forgotten by many and now we are in great celebration for it truly is the time to remember this blessing. In truth you have never been separate from your heart, as it sings to you and radiates the love that flows to you always and in all ways. In a moment of forgetting, it may have not been recognized as the loving guiding presence that has been and always will guide and direct you on your life’s journey. It is now time to remember this sacred part of yourself and to use it to bless yourself, to rise above what has been perceived as realities of less, into the realms of your heart that you have dreamed and been preparing for. Within the heart there are no limitations, only authentic truth of your divinity, the essence of your sacred forever lightness of spirit and truth.
Remembering yourself is a journey of the heart that is filled with the great wonder of discovery of your very truth of self, your purpose and why you choose to experience such a magnificent adventure. Living life on a world of polarity, duality has offered some challenges and many gifts as well. For in overcoming the challenges on the way to remembering yourself, you have perhaps a deeper understanding of who you are by knowing what you are not.
We are a family of lightness, which is always expanding, growing, developing and becoming more. The journey you have been experiencing and expressing here in Earth has been a part of the Grand Plan of the journey of lives. You are in truth great masters on the path to remembering that truth and exploring what that means and the many ways you can express and experience.
When you desire to be Heart Centered, a simple way to feel the connection to heart is to place your hand on your heart and breathe slowly and calmly. This will bring your focus to your heart center and allow you to feel the love that is radiating from that sacred place. This sweet love is flowing perpetually to you. If you like, you may think or say the sacred mantra Chanulanaha while doing this as it will open you up to greater understanding and awareness.
The desired goal is to be in synchronicity with your heart, your authentic self. To remember, align and attune with that sacred song, the sweetness of love, for as you remember more of yourself, you are empowered to direct your life to the avenues of gold that you have dreamed about.
As you continue on your life journey, I offer my loving assistance. You may call upon me to help you to remember, to know the peace and joy that is your divine birthright. When you place your hand on your heart, you may think “Mothers love” and feel my loving embrace surround you. You are never alone and never have been by Beloveds of heart for we are always connected.
I sing to you always, I breathe with you always, I hold you in my heart always, in the Heart of the One, for we are one family of light, in heart always. Dance in the light of your heart through the many changes and shifts, opening up to the brilliance that shines ever so brightly upon you, within you and through you.
Be in heart and know your joyfulness, for you are the delight of my heart now and always.
Chanulanaha, from my sacred heart to your heart, remember who you are my beloveds, You are light, You are love.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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artwork by Maryam Morrison
pdf by Eden Magazine