My Beloved Children,
“Today I have a message of great heart for you to feast upon. It is a message that is quite timely and yet would be welcome in any position of time that you find yourself within.
There is a vision, a great vision that is held within your heart. Within this vision lies all the hopes and dreams of your true
self for your life experience. This vision is what fuels your passion for living and expressing your life.
At times you may feel you are not sure why you are here and why your life is as it is. Let me share with you today, that your journey of experiences is perfect in every way. All of your experiences have led you to where you are today, in this very moment.
As we meet our minds and hearts within this expression of written words, can you feel that something magical is about to happen in your life? Do you not feel your heart filling with the excitement of hopefullness and joy?
You have been searching for your inner vision and today, in this moment of time, you will feel a light going on, lighting up the way for you to remember the pathway to that vision. Oh there is great excitement My Children, as we have planned together for this very moment of readiness.
As you feel that connection to your inner vision lighting up, you will feel it calling to you, like a sweet song bringing such peace and delight to your heart. You have been preparing for this moment and now it is here.
When you focus on your heart, you will feel a lightness flowing in such gentleness and love. Breathe to your heart and open your mind to receive the messages of your inner vision. Prepare to accept with openness the great changes that you are ready for in your life. There is so much more to what is possible and yet you have always known this truth.
It is a time for great celebration My Children, as you will begin to become more consciously aware of who you truly are and your great purpose for your life experience. Your inner vision will manifest to you within quiet moments, and moments of great joy. Be patient with yourself as you open to receive, remember and understand. These are the times of great promise; you can feel this as I speak these words to you as I can feel your heart’s joy. Yes, you can move with great confidence knowing you are about to reach a great treasure, a treasure that has been calling to you.
It is so delightful to see you wipe the sleep from your eyes, open them widely, and see this dream you have been living within become alive with new colors, new songs and new opportunities. I can feel your excitement, just as a young child begins to open a beautiful package with colorful ribbons and bows with great anticipation of what is held within, wondering what magic will be unveiled. There is so much wonder to behold.
Let me share with you that your inner vision is more than you have perhaps imagined. It is more because you are more. To remember your truth and your vision that you planned for this life is the greatest desire of your heart. Perhaps you have forgotten this for a time and yet your inner flame has always been shining, gently guiding you with great loving presence.
Now you can choose to take a more active role in knowing your vision with your conscious choice. When you become aware of the existence of something, this empowers you to further light your awareness and to expand upon it. This can lead to further development of your consciousness, rising to heights beyond your imagination and opening up limitless possibilities and potentials for you to explore.
There is no greater gift than the gift you have chosen, the gift of living your life. As you make the conscious connection to your inner vision, reaching into the full expanse of the authentic truth, you will meet with such joy and peace. You will know that all your dreams are possible to become your reality within your life. To live your life in awareness, aligned with your sacred purpose, is within your inner vision. Living your life, expressing your inner vision is the ultimate bringer of joy.
Within your inner vision are the seeds of potentials and possibilities leading to such wonder My Beloveds, for truly you are the wonder. You are a great adventurer, an explorer, finding your way back to yourself.
As your beautiful inner vision unfolds for you, you will feel that connection to you come into greater clarity and focus allowing you to begin seeing more of your sacred vision manifest into your reality.
In the days and moments ahead, prepare for greatness for it is your destiny. You are children of great promise. You are my children of light, perfect in every way. Each of you is a beautiful song with your own melody. I am here with you supporting you on your journey of experiences through every moment of time and timelessness. You are never alone. We are always in heart.
I hold within my heart A Greater Vision of you. May you see and feel this great vision, as I shine it upon you now and always, lighting pathways of the heart to the home you never left.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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artwork by Maryam Morrison
pdf by Eden Magazine