My name is Jan Diana. I am a seeker of truth, teacher of spiritual principles and intuitive healer. My philosophy is quite simple; everything is energy, frequency and vibration and can be easily shifted to create greater harmony and joy into one’s life. When we are in harmony, there is greater clarity. Answers to questions can be more easily discovered and applied.
Seeking truth has been a passion for me that has been a constant throughout my life and is still. I also love to help people find the answers to the big questions they have in their lives, whether they are seeking answers to issues of health, relationships, finances, peace of mind or a greater understanding of themselves and their life’s purpose. With answers come hope, greater peace, fulfillment and the restoring of personal empowerment.
Today, I would like to share with you how I came to the understanding of where I am now in my life and why I am so passionate about living with the infinite possibilities that are there for us to discover. My journey to my own personal Eden, which I like to call living in Serenity, began as a young Mother of 5 children. I was playing the Super mom role and one day just crashed. I ended up on the couch not able to do all that I had been doing. After dissatisfaction with the medical profession, they were baffled a bit and I didn’t like the direction they were going, I began a quest. I felt strongly there were answers.
I had always been interested in nutrition and exercise and thought this was the answer to health, so I was really quite surprised at my situation as I had been exercising and eating healthy. I was drawn to look into holistic health alternatives. It was quite a journey as I explored and experienced several wonderful modalities. This process went on for several years, having some results but not fully recovering. My passion for discovery continued as I knew there were answers.
I had a friend suggest a spiritual healer. I had a lot of resistance to this at first because at that time I had strong religious beliefs. It was on my mind though, so I thought perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to just try it. I made a phone appointment and this was a beginning. I started to get some results. Through this experience, I began to understand that health, wellbeing and balance in my body and life was a reflection of inner harmony. For example, I learned that I had conflicting beliefs that created like a tug of war with my energy and when I used tools to shift these into harmony, the tug of war was over, like letting go of the ropes so to speak.
The search for answers rewarded me with regaining my health which is a treasure within itself but the biggest treasure was the discovery of many pathways to reach freedom from the energy that seemingly created resistance of lack of anything I desired. To be free to live one’s dream, to feel the joy of an illuminated mind and heart is priceless.
My quest continued as my desired to know more and open up my mind to further understanding. I discovered that I was not only drawn to wisdom and truth, but that I was gifted as an intuitive healer and Master Channel. One day I began to speak another language, the language of love. I became aware that I was channeling the Heavenly Mother, Goddess Creator and that this was the Mother’s language, the language of Origin.
As I became aware of my innate gifts and abilities, I learned ways to further develop them. With awareness, my developing understanding, and acquiring some great tools to work with, I continue on my own personal progression as the thirst for further light and understanding is always available and the efforts are so rewarding.
I soon discovered my passion for helping others. I took classes, learned several modalities and acquired some great tools and skills. I became excited about sharing what I had discovered.
Thus I began my practice working with clients and students, teaching them how to become empowered, so they too could experience freedom from whatever was creating imbalance in their lives. My heart fills with such joy as they find solutions to the issues in their lives. There really are no limits to potentials and possibilities when you open up to them, release the old ways, and bring discordant energy into harmony, making it possible to see things more clearly from a balanced state of being.
I find it is very useful to use Master tools to release and reformat old energy, like changing the files on a computer. There are many pathways and many tools. For example you can dig a ditch with your hands, using a shovel or a tractor. You will get the job done with each method and yet wouldn’t you rather use a power tool?
In these times of great change, there are wonderful opportunities at every corner to shift our personal realities into more of what we desire. So how can we achieve that? The key to riding the waves of change is to be in harmony. When we are in harmony, there is peace. The mind can be freed from the random inner dialogue. Within a quiet mind, we can access the higher truth of self and our life’s purpose. This raises consciousness, making it much easier to accept and embrace the truth from this elevated perspective. From this place of clarity is easier to see the graceful pathways to the solutions we are searching for, and put the passion back into our live, so we can live the life we have dreamed of.
My passion for living life to the fullest brings me to the topic of YOU.
If your heart has been calling out for answers, if you are experiencing discordant energy or lack in anyway, if you are not living the dreams of your heart, I am sharing with you there are solutions to this and so much more. You have your own innate gifts and abilities. You are unique and have a special life purpose. There are so many possibilities and potentials for you. As you release the old energy, frequencies and vibrations, greater clarity and focus are yours to claim. Imagine YOU living all of the dreams of your heart and feeling fabulous.
As I mentioned before, my simple philosophy is that everything is energy, frequency and vibration. When we make shifts in our energy to elevate into greater harmony, not only do we receive the blessings from this heightened state of being but so does everyone around us. This smoother energy ripples out to bless your pets, the people you are around, and out into the whole world.
This sends a message of greater harmony and possibilities for all to enjoy as it becomes a reality in the collective consciousness. This is how we can contribute to creating the New Eden here on Earth. So where do we begin to create your own personal Eden, your Serenity Sanctuary? I suggest beginning with you. Choose thoughts and actions that bring you joy. Live in joy as much as possible as joy elevates. Be in gratitude for all that you are blessed with as gratitude opens the heart to experience joy more fully. Be kind to yourself and to all around you. Celebrate the wonder of you, for you are unique and special. Spend time with yourself pondering what it is that you would like to be and do in your life. This is your time to create and experience all that you desire, and it is easier now to do this in the new Earth energies. I know that we are each on our own journeys and yet we are never alone for we are blessed with many that assist us. I would love to help you to create your own Personal Eden, your Serenity Sanctuary and help guide you to pathways that you have been longing for. In the spirit of sharing, I will be doing a series of articles for Eden Magazine over the next few months designed to offer you some new thoughts that can assist you on your personal journey. I also would like to gift you a Free Class. I am inviting you to an opportunity to personally experience a healing for yourself, and you can bring along your beloved pets. This will be great fun and introduce you to some amazing tools. This Free Class, Healing in the Radiance for You and Your pets, will be by teleconference . Go to my website (listed below) to register, and I will email you the codes to access the class.
Sacred Healing Radiance is this wonderful energy, which consists of the Sacred Rays, Divine Light and all of the colors, tones and resonance of the Sacred Geometries and their vibrational Hues. Radiance is so gentle, and loving and yet so powerful in bringing about harmony and well-being. The Radiance tools I will be utilizing are some of the tools of SVH. SVH is Serenity Vibration healing and Enlightenment, an amazing modality which works with Serenity, the God Vibration. The work is so gentle and graceful. You will love it and so will your pets.
In the class you will spend some time in Temple, experiencing the gentle loving energy of the Sacred Radiance, bringing healing on so many levels for you and your pets.
You will also have an opportunity to experience reformatting of energy by deleting old files and replacing with new ideals that are in alignment for you and receive some tools that you will be able to personally use in your life to help create greater harmony. This will be explained in detail in the class with an opportunity to choose the clearing and tools if you so desire. Your choice is always honored. The information for registration is listed below.
I am grateful for this opportunity to share this information with you. It is wonderful to know that the pathways for a Personal Eden, a Serenity Sanctuary are available and easily within reach for each of us. We share this journey of life together here at this most auspicious time on our Beloved Earth. We are a family of light, each of us in the process of remembering our truth and aligning with that brightness. I am honored to be here sharing this time of great excitement as we co create the New World together. As we create the New Eden for ourselves and for all, imagine living in joy always, feeling the abundance of love, knowing the wonder of life and living, creating all the desires of your heart and living your dreams. This is our destiny that we share together.
I look forward to our next time together. May your journey be blessed with great joy and the fulfillment of the dreams of your heart.
Many Radiant blessings,
Chanulanaha Jan Diana

pdf by Eden Magazine